Book Your Place at the Scottish Learning Festival

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is the annual conference and exhibition for educational practitioners across Scotland and is completely free to attend. Organised by Education Scotland, SLF is the biggest professional learning event for Scottish education which aims to inspire, innovate and inform great educational practice.

With a fantastic line-up of keynote speakers and boasting more than 100 seminars, opportunities for …

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Brand new 14-16 years’ area

Next month, the 14-16 years section of the Food – a fact of life website will be launched. This section will include resources on Healthy eating, Where food comes from, Cooking, Consumer awareness, Food commodities and Nutritional analysis. Resources have been developed to be used by teachers and students to support key qualifications throughout the UK.

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Gourmet Burger Builder resources

The Gourmet Burger Builder (GBB) resources have been updated. GBB is an interactive activity which challenges pupils to create their own burger using a variety of ingredients. The activity goes through the stages of ingredient selection, mixing, dividing and shaping, cooking and assembling.

To use the GBB and its accompanying resources, click here.

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BNF Healthy Eating Week 2019

There is less than a week to go until this year’s BNF Healthy Eating Week! We hope everyone has a fantastic week planned, remember to let us know everything your nursery or school is up to by tweeting us @Foodafactoflife using #BNFHEW19 – you can use our social media guide to help!


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