British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week 2016

BNF Healthy Eating Week 2015 was the most successful to date with over 7,500 nurseries, schools and academies registering to get involved.  Inspired by the success of the week, BNF has already set the date for 2016 and is starting to plan activities and resources based around healthy eating, cooking and food provenance. 
You can start preparing for BNF HEW 2016 now too!  
Why not:
• put the date in your school diary, BNF Healthy Eating Week 13 – 17 June 2016;
• plan for the school to be off timetable for the week so you can run whole school food and health activities;
• consider guests you could invite into school to provide talks and run workshops based on healthy eating, cooking  and food provenance;
• think about trips and visits for the pupils, e.g. to a local farm, supermarket, food factory, restaurant;
• talk to your canteen about special dishes and events for the week.
Registration is easy and only takes a few minutes so register your school now and be the first to receive updates and resources for BNF HEW 2016.


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