Good Practice – Gathering evidence
In an attempt to make best use of the blog and provide as much support as possible, we are hoping to regularly post examples of good practice/evidence gathering that we receive from centres currently delivering the award. If you have any examples, please feel free show yours below in the comments.
We received some pictures from St Ambrose High School this week, which show the fun and interactive methods they are using to gather evidence.
Candidates created posters which highlight some of the support that is available within the mental health sector and gathered evidence for the ‘Coping Strategies and Building Resilience’ Unit in the process. They also used sweets to create neurons and neurological pathways and took pictures of these to evidence their knowledge and understanding for part of the ‘Understanding Mental Health Issues’ Unit.
It’s great to see some varying and innovative methods of assessment and ones that I’m sure the candidates found enjoyable. Thanks for sharing these with us – keep up the good work đ !!!!

1 Comment
I love this use of sweets to explain and simplify complex concepts. Great work