Browse SQA Blogs
Business, Administration and Finance

NextGen Accounting Validation
Happy New Year! NextGen HNC and HND Accounting were both successfully validated on 30 October 2024. Although these qualifications will continue...
Computing Blog

Contacting the team
Regular readers will know that Emma and Helen returned to the vocational Computing team in January (they had been...
Digital literacy blog

Review of Word Processing, Presentations and Spreadsheets units
Following recent scoping of our NPA PC Passport awards we are looking for feedback on the content of the...
Features and developments

Meeting Net Zero with Climate Solutions Accelerator course
Warmworks Scotland, a heating and efficient energy company, is the first business in Scotland to put all of its...
Mental Health and Wellbeing Awards Blog

Updating Ushare resources
Hi everyone, The Ushare resource we have was always regularly used and updated when the awards were first launched but...
National Qualifications

Higher History – review of marking published
SQA has published its review into the marking of Higher History in 2024. The review examined every aspect of the...
NextGen: HN

Supporting teaching development - Glasgow Kelvin College
Forward by Deirdre Murphy, New Product Development Manager, NextGen: HN: Centres are often already in a positive position to embrace...
Browse Subject Blogs
Hospitality, Food and Drink Blog

SHARE NOW: New resources to support your network during Scottish Careers
We’re back to speak to you about a brilliant new resource that we know would be really valuable to your...
Scottish Studies and Scots Language Blog

Scots Language Awards 2022
Social Sciences Blog

Festival of Social Sciences 2024.
The Festival of Social Sciences will begin on 19 October. Further information can be found at Programme