HNC Cyber Security – second meeting of the development team
The Qualification Development Team (QDT) for HNC Cyber Security met yesterday. This was the second meeting of the team, the first meeting having taken place in September. A QDT is responsible for developing new qualifications. There are representatives from Police Scotland, the University of Dundee and cyber security specialists on this particular team.
It was a good meeting. The Lead Developer (a lecturer from West College Scotland) gave an update on progress, which provided an opportunity to discuss the evolving qualification. Several issues were discussed including the role of programming and maths within the award, and the importance (or otherwise) of vendor certification — among other topics.

By the end of the meeting we were clearer about what needs to be included in the qualification. The Lead Developer is now going to finalise the structure so that we can get down to writing the new and revised units.
This new qualification will be completed by June next year and available to centres from August. Please contact Helen for more information.
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[…] team that will be responsible for writing the units that are part of the new HNC Cyber Security met yesterday in Glasgow. There are 19 people in the team, with a good mix of the new (to unit […]
[…] updates on their respective projects – one from the person leading the development of HNC Cyber Security and one from the person leading the development of the support materials for NPA Cyber […]