Change to HND Computing: Software Development (GG7E 16)

The framework of the HND Computing: Software Development (GG7E 16) has been amended following a change request submitted by a delivering centre. The change request related to the addition of Machine Learning (J1BB 35) to the framework as an optional unit. Upon consideration by the Qualification Support Team (QST), the change request was approved on 24 January 2025. Consequently, the unit Machine Learning (J1BB 35) has been added to Group 2 of the optional units of the HND Computing: Software…

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NPA Computer Networks – Subject page live

As advised in a previous post, the revised NPA Computer Networks at SCQF level 5 was in the final stage of operationalisation. I am pleased to advise that the subject page for this award is now live. You will find all relevant information regarding this award on the subject page, such as the Group Award code (GR7X 45) and a link to the Group Award Specification. The qualification structure has remained the same in the revised NPA Computer Networks. You…

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HNC/D Technologies in Business is now live

The HNC/D Information Technology (2006) review is now completed. The HN IT will be replaced by GN5N 15 HNC Technologies in Business and GN5P 16 HND Technologies in Business and finish in 2021 (HNC)/2022 (HND). The following units have been developed and are now available on the SQA website: HT9F 35 Database Server Administration / HT9G 34 Network Security Concepts / HT9H 34 Agile Development: Introduction / HT9J 35 Business Process Management / HT9K 34 Business Process Management: Introduction / HT9L 34 Computer Networking: Introduction for Business /…

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NPA Web Design – Subject page LIVE

As announced in a post before the Christmas break, the subject page for the revised NPA Web Design (GN57 45), at SCQF Level 5, was being set up.  I can now confirm that the subject page is live and can be accessed via the SQA website. The subject page for the revised NPA Digital Media at SCQF Levels 4 and 5 will follow shortly. The NPA Web Design is a revision of the NPA Web Design Fundamentals (G8HD 45). The ‘old’ award will…

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Employer engagement event

I attended an employer engagement event, at Glasgow Clyde College, yesterday entitled Shaping Computing Science for Scotland. The event was organised by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and SQA. Its aim was to discuss how best to get employers involved with the development of Computing qualifications. The event was well attended with representatives of large and small employers across Scotland. My presentation covered the current range of qualifications available, how we develop qualifications, and how we currently work with employers. I’ve previously posted…

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Suggesting changes to qualifications

I received an enquiry this morning about changing a qualification. Qualifications are reviewed every five years but during that period we can “tweak” qualifications in response to suggestions from centres. The process is straight-forward: you suggest a change we check the suggestion with the Qualifications Support Team (QST) we implement the change. There are three ways for you to suggest a change to a qualification. You can use our Ideas Capture Form or submit a DAVAL 2 form or complete a…

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Update on PC Passport

As some of you are already aware, the revised NPA in PC Passport was validated in April, and is now available to centres. You can find all relevant information for this qualification on a subject page on our website and in the FAQ. The FAQ contains useful links to the Group Award Specification and unit specifications. This qualification is supported with the Assessment Support Packs (ASPs). The following packs have been developed and are available on SQA Secure website: SCQF level 4:…

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Qualification Support Team meeting

The Qualification Support Team (QST) for Computing met today. The QST is one of a number of external committees that advises SQA. The QST’s specific role is to advise how best to support qualifications. It also considers proposed changes to qualifications that are normally submitted by teachers and lecturers. The committee is made up of practising teachers and lecturers who are best placed to tell us what centres need from SQA. Today’s meeting was good. We discussed support materials, qualification changes,…

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PC Passport is now validated

I got good news this morning. PC Passport has been validated. A number of conditions were placed on the award at the recent validation event, and it has taken time to address these conditions but I’m delighted to let you know that the revised award is now validated. Emma is now busy “operationalising” the new award. That means adding codes, publishing the Group Award Specification, and creating a subject page. This will all be done in the next week or two. In the…

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PC Passport survey

One of the conditions from the recent validation event for PC Passport was to consider different structures for the qualification. The QDT presented their preferred structure but the Validation Panel suggested possible alternatives, and asked the QDT to get feedback on a number of possible options. So, to that end, I have created a short survey, suggesting three possible options. I would appreciate if you would take a few minutes (it should take no more than five) to complete the questionnaire…

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HN developments

A number of Higher National (HN) awards are currently being reviewed. These are: HNC/D Information Technology (led by Chris Deegan of Glasgow Met.) HNC/D Interactive Media (led by Fiona Murnin of New College Lanarkshire) HNC/D Computer Games Development (led by Gill Flockart of Ayrshire College). Each development is at a different stage but all are well underway. Progress has been slower than I had hoped, mainly as a result of staff changes within SQA. I intend to meet with each of the lead…

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Qualification portfolio update

I updated my qualification “portfolio” today. You might prefer to call it my list of qualifications. Look under “Useful links”. This is a live link, which means that it will always point to the latest version of the diagram. So, I won’t keep posting updates every time I change it. Please remember to check the permalink if you want to access it. The main things to look for in the diagram are the awards in bold and italics. The bold ones are…

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NPA in Digital Literacy web page is live

The web page for this new qualification is now live. The qualification was validated some time ago, but you can now access a dedicated web page about this revised award. You’ll find the Group Award Specification (GAS) and other information on that page. The GAS defines the structure of the award and contains information about how to deliver and assess the qualification. This new qualification is an ideal introduction to digital skills. It is at SCQF Level 3 and contains three (mandatory)…

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Make sure that you teach the right thing

Me and my team receive regular enquiries about changes to qualifications, often asking what has changed and when. We received one this morning. We always give the same advice: check the Group Award Specification (GAS) for each qualification before you offer it. A GAS is produced for every new (or revised) qualification. It contains essential information about the structure of the award (including award codes and unit codes), advice about delivery, and information for learners. You will find the GAS for…

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Unit writing training for PDA Software Development

The training for unit writers involved in the new PDA in Software Development took place on Friday in Glasgow. We’re developing nine new HN Units in total: Software Development: Analysis & Design, Software Development: Implementation & Testing, and Software Development: Project. Each Unit is a double credit Unit and is repeated in each of the three levels (SCQF Levels 7, 8 and 9). The team is a mix of the very experienced, the less experienced and the new. It was…

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HNC Computer Science and HNC Data Analytics

I recently announced a new development, which involves the creation of two new HNCs: 1. HNC Computer Science 2. HNC Data Analytics Since then, a Qualification Development Team (QDT) has been created and the first meeting was held this afternoon. The Team consists of representatives of colleges, universities and industry. The University of Strathclyde is represented on the QDT since the new HNCs will be designed to articulate with a number of their B.Sc. courses, through their Digital Academy programme,…

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Reasons to do Cyber Security Fundamentals

Since Helen announced last week that the new National Unit entitled Cyber Security Fundamentals (SCQF Level 4) was now available, we’ve had a lot of interest from centres interested in offering the new Unit. There are lots of reasons for doing so. In a sense, cyber security has replaced online safety as an essential online skill since it encompasses personal safety but also explores the need for groups, businesses and nations to protect themselves. Recent media reports about cyber attacks…

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Qualification portfolio

I took the opportunity today to update the qualification portfolio diagram. Regular readers will know that there is a great deal of development work going on right now, so it seemed a good time to update it. You can see (and download) the diagram here. The diagram summarises the vocational awards available to centres. As you will see, the portfolio is growing, particularly the range of National Progression Awards, which are proving to be popular in the school sector. But…

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