NC/NPA Computer Games Development review meeting
The Qualification Development Team for the review of NC/NPA Computer Games Development met on Saturday. I recently reported that these awards had been “scoped” so we went into the meeting with some idea of what needed to be done.

I was delighted at the quality of the QDT. It comprises experienced and expert teachers and lecturers from schools and colleges across Scotland. As a result we were able to make a lot of progress. We agreed that the structure of the NPAs would not change but that we would streamline the units and significantly reduce the assessment. The National Certificate(s), too, would not change much – but will be modernised with more up to date units.
Both awards (the NPAs and the NCs) will be available to centres from April next year. In the meantime, please contact Emma if you want to find out more about these developments.
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[…] be in production. For example, right now we’re producing several revised units as part of NPA Computer Games Development. We asked for volunteers a few weeks ago and chose a college lecturer to write the unit and a […]
[…] college lecturer and the other (for the NPA) is an experienced school teacher. The QDT met last month and today’s meeting was to ensure that the leads were clear about their […]
[…] of HND Computer Science and started creating a new HNC Cyber Security. Also being reviewed is NPA and NC Computer Games Development. Some individual units are particularly noteworthy. We created a new unit in Artificial […]