Teaching and learning resources
Hello :),
We hope you’re all safe and healthy.
As current circumstances continue to challenge teaching and learning and centres try to come to terms with the likelihood that virtual learning will be the only option for the rest of the month, possibly longer, we thought it would be helpful to share some useful resources that may help ease some pressure. We will look to do this as much as possible while we face these challenges. We would also also like to encourage you all to share anything you have found useful, here on the blog.
We have been made aware of some great resources created by Do Be Mindful (https://www.do-bemindful.com/) who have developed material that could help with online delivery. The materials could be used to aid the delivery of the award but could also be shared wider than this to help kids tackle the difficult circumstances they continue to face. However, these resources will not only be useful for kids but also teachers, as Do Be Mindful are aiming to help support and educate teachers too.
Some of the activities they have created can be accessed via the links at the bottom of this post. You can look at more on the Do Be Mindful website (https://www.do-bemindful.com/).
Do Be Mindful have also launched a new project ,#Take10, which encourages teachers and practitioners to take 10 minutes out their day and come together virtually to take a break and support each other. More information can be found on this here: https://www.do-bemindful.com/take10/

I’ll post again soon with some more helpful resources. In the meantime, if there is anything you have found helpful please don’t hesitate to comment or send me an email directly and I can share these too.
1 Comment
Hi Hannah,
That’s my fault – I see my email address when I’m using the blog but it never dawned on me that others might not be able to.
My email address is calum.reid@sqa.org.uk – just send me over a quick email and we can have a chat.