
Hello, I’ve been made aware that webinar attendance is now at capacity and unfortunately we are unable to increase this to allow more people to attend as this is restricted by our license with the service provider. We’re delighted that so many people are keen to attend but also understand that others will be disappointed – we hope that those who can’t attend will find the recording of the webinar to be just as useful. The webinar will be recorded…

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Mental Health and Wellbeing – Understanding Standards Webinar

Hello, I just wanted to post on the blog about the mental health and wellbeing understanding standards webinar as I’ve now realised i forgot to do this in amongst the Christmas and lockdown madness – apologies. The webinar will take place next Thursday from 5-6.30pm and will include a review and discussion around candidate evidence and a variety of different information relating to the award delivery. You can get more information and sign up for the webinar here:https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/96305.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpFME4yWXpObUUzTURkbCIsInQiOiJrMkhnU2Z5VnNkV1FBV0F3bWxPUGpkcVM2TTBodFhZYXgrTnJlNk1NOGRZUER0NG9nZWlFZ05jdDI5QVVuMVBOYll1RmtvM1J6ZjFYcStETVp4Q2NsVVd1b3NQXC9saWJzRjJmNHV4ZnlMN3NKZG9sQ1wvR1dLQzc3dzJqem45ZTlrIn0%3D We hope…

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Teaching and learning resources

Hello :), We hope you’re all safe and healthy. As current circumstances continue to challenge teaching and learning and centres try to come to terms with the likelihood that virtual learning will be the only option for the rest of the month, possibly longer, we thought it would be helpful to share some useful resources that may help ease some pressure. We will look to do this as much as possible while we face these challenges. We would also also…

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