Delivery and experience feedback – West Lothian College

Hi everyone :),

Hope you’re all well.

We’re delighted to have received some more feedback from West Lothian College, who were willing to share some of their learning and delivery with us. Marion Darling, a lecturer from the college, provided the following feedback about their delivery and experience of the award:

‘Delivering this award for the first time opened up exciting options to make our learners journey more exciting whilst supporting them to develop positive self-care strategies, to enhance their understanding of their own MH and that of others.  Additionally, it created incredible opportunities to tackle the stigma that still prevails around MH often making it difficult for individuals to discuss their MH or to challenge perceptions or discrimination surrounding this subject. This unfortunately as you know often results in young people feeling scared to seek help and support or feeling devalued after seeking help but being left with long referral times for support.

Introducing this award supported young people in having open, honest dialogue around their own and others MH, around experiences of services, stigma and discrimination.  This award has massively supported young people in valuing themselves with more compassion and kindness not only for self but also for others. The enthusiasm and feedback from learners has been amazing and I wanted to share some of this with you.

To fully embrace and gain maximum opportunities for learning I decided to incorporate the MH award with the SQA personal develop award to enhance the learning experience and maximise the time we had available to support a diversity of activities across the college, to target both student and staff MH and wellbeing. These units lend themselves perfectly to supporting the students to gain 2 awards whilst enhancing their self-awareness and self-concept, however the MH award can equally be ran without such as approach. In combining these awards however it did provide us with additional time to enjoy a variety of activities some of which are highlighted here, this may not be possible for other centres but the award is still an incredibly enriching experience both for learners and any staff delivering it.’

West Lothian college also put together a PowerPoint presentation which showcases some of their evidence gathering techniques and candidate feedback.

Thanks again to Marion Darling and West Lothian College for sending over this great feedback and allowing us to share it with everyone on the blog!



1 Comment

Janice Balshaw

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback and ideas. It looks like you’ve made it really exciting and interactive for the students. I have shared with staff to support learning and teaching ideas for when we return to normal.


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