Computing qualifications

There have been a lot of changes to the vocational Computing portfolio of qualifications during the last year so I thought that this is a good time to do an update. Here is the updated diagram.

You can download a (better) PDF version here. As you’ll see, a number of old qualifications (or qualifications with little or no uptake) are going. Some are being replaced (such as the Diploma in Data Analytics which will be replaced by the new Diploma in Digital Technology) and some are simply being removed. There’s also a number of new qualifications coming such as NPA Esports.

The diagram should help you plan your curriculum for session 2022/23. For example, I know some of you are thinking about offering NPA Data Science next session and, I hope, the new Data Skills units will be of interest to many of you. All of the new qualifications are highlighted in bold.

Please contact Megan if you want to know more about any of the non-advanced qualifications (NC/NPA) and CBQs or contact Amy if you want to know more about the advanced qualifications (HNC/HND/PDA). If you’re not sure who to contact, drop a line to