HNC Cyber Security team meeting
The first meeting of the Qualification Development Team (QDT) for HNC Cyber Security took place on Tuesday. There was a huge response to our request for members to join the QDT, so much so that we could only accept a small number of the volunteers. The membership spans the Chair for Digital Living at the University of Dundee to the Head of Cybercrime for Police Scotland.

The QDT is responsible for developing the new HNC. Its remit includes carrying out consultation with stakeholders, designing the award and writing the component units. There was a great deal of expertise around the table and I’m confident that we will come up with a good qualification. We got down to business in the afternoon and commenced the process of identifying the essential elements of an HNC in this field. We made a lot of progress in a short time.
We’re aiming to have the new award available to centres by May next year so that centres have the option of offering it from next session (2018/19). I’ll keep you posted about progress on this blog so be sure to check for updates. We’ll be happy to share “beta” (or “alpha”) versions of whatever we produce if you want to see early versions of our work. Please contact Helen if you want to know more about this development.
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[…] to update members about recent changes to the qualification portfolio, particularly the forthcoming HNC Cyber Security. Chris Morrow, of the Tech Partnership, updated members about developments in National Occupational […]
[…] Business, which is a new award, and HND Computer Science, which is currently being revised. The new HNC Cyber Security will be available for next session and some centres have already expressed an interest in offering […]
[…] these PDAs will be stand-alone qualifications, they will be embedded inside the forthcoming HNC and the planned HND. So, for example, anyone who completes the PDA at Level 7 will have a number of […]