HNC/D Social Sciences
In 2015, the Economic and Social Research Council is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
This Guardian article gives 10 ways in which Social Science research has changed our lives. Guardian article
In 2015, the Economic and Social Research Council is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
This Guardian article gives 10 ways in which Social Science research has changed our lives. Guardian article
Ushare brings you links to open learning resources that have been recommended by lecturers, teachers and learners that support SQA’s qualifications.
The 2015 ESRC Festival of Social Science will take place between the 7th and 14th November.
There are over 200 events throughout the UK. Highlights include:
Zombie science: genes of the damned (Glasgow)
A changing UK in a changing Europe (Aberdeen)
Social inequalities in higher education (Edinburgh)
Further detail can be found on the ESRC website:
Festival of Social Science
SQA has received a proposal to develop NC and HN free standing units in Social Anthropology. These units could be included in the NC, HNC and HND Social Sciences awards.
SQA would like to gauge interest in this proposal. Therefore, please send any comments to by Tuesday 20th October 2015.
SQA is about to begin a scoping exercise to ascertain whether the awards should be reviewed.
This exercise will include market research with Higher Education and employers. If you have direct contacts in either area, could you send me their details by Friday 9th October 2015. My email address is
Thank you.