
What’s innovation got to do with it?

Deirdre Murphy, NextGen: HN New Product Development Manager, talks about her understanding of innovative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment. Deirdre reflects on her time as a lecturer in creative industries at City of Glasgow College and her discussions with other teaching practitioners. 

August 8, 2024 - megancrawford - Categories: Pilot

NextGen: HN

I’m not particularly comfortable about using the term ‘innovation’ when talking about my own teaching practice and I get the sense I’m not alone with this when I talk to practitioners from other centres. 

Innovation’ is often assumed to be in relation to technology. However, the word is actually defined as bringing about new methods or solutions that have a positive impact or bring significant improvement. It’s important to acknowledge that this can be of a practical nature.  

We simply ask that NextGen: HN practitioners consider the best methods for bringing improvement to learning, teaching and assessment for the qualifications being delivered in their centre. After discussion with colleagues across NextGen: HN centres, it’s felt that the terms ‘continuous development’ or ‘progressive practice’ may better describe this idea. 

One practitioner described innovation as ‘moving on from the current standpoint’ and ‘addressing challenges and development from where you are now’. Moreover, they were more comfortable with the concept of a ‘creative learning, teaching and assessment approach that’s adaptable across areas’ than describing how their centre supports the development of practice as ‘innovation’. 

Another practitioner promotes using the term ‘learning design’ as it acknowledges the process of planning and infers that mapping and due consideration has been given to impact and outcomes. Using the term ‘design’ projects the level of consideration required to plan the delivery of good learning, teaching and assessment practice through envisioning a desired outcome and working towards it, continually refining the practical application of skills, knowledge, and available resources. I believe that it’s not necessarily about having a wealth of resources but more about being inventive and creative. I also feel that it’s about encouraging learners to be more involved in the learning process through facilitation of activities that engage them or allow them to be co-creators of their own learning.   

I’m reaching out to centres to capture the views and experiences of practitioners. I hope we can exchange new approaches in supporting progress and development, which I plan to share in a series of blogs. 

If you’re interested in getting involved in discussions or inputting to the blog series, please contact  

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