
Collaboration with College Development Network (CDN)

Read about our recent collaboration with College Development Network (CDN), and sign up to our upcoming webinar.

April 9, 2024 - SQA - Categories: Collaboration and engagement

NextGen: HN

We’ve recently been engaging with College Development Network (CDN), aiming to share up to date NextGen: HN activity and supporting the college network.

The collaboration is key to driving the progress, development, and implementation of NextGen: HN, while supporting centres in their journey. The collaboration with CDN and NextGen: HN has grown significantly since April 2023, focusing on reaching out to CDN’s network to provide vital support to centres.

One of the recent activities achieved in this work was the creation of a recorded podcast with Valerie Innes, Head of Next Generation Qualifications and Standards, alongside pilot centre representatives. Hosted by CDN, this podcast served as a platform to showcase the progress made within NextGen: HN, along with an update on the project and insight into the first-hand experiences of centres involved in the pilot phase. 

Building upon this initial activity, we’re hosting a webinar alongside CDN on Thursday 9 May at 4 pm. The webinar will offer comprehensive insights into NextGen: HN, providing centres with valuable information, sharing best practices, and discussing various scenarios encountered during the rollout process. It’s an opportunity for centres to learn from one another, fostering a community of shared knowledge and experience. 

If you’re interested in attending the webinar please register using the link below.  

Book your place  

Following the webinar a podcast will be hosted by CDN, featuring pilot centre colleagues. The podcast will give centres an opportunity to submit questions or challenges they may face when adopting NextGen: HN qualifications. A panel comprised of colleagues from pilot centres will provide practical advice and solutions, drawing from their own experiences. This initiative will not only address specific concerns but also promotes peer-to-peer learning and collaboration. 

Look out for more updates as we continue this exciting collaboration with CDN.

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