
NextGen: HN learner review – Katie Colligan

Katie Colligan shares her experiences undertaking a NextGen: HNC qualification in Childhood Practice at South Lanarkshire College.

September 5, 2023 - SQA - Categories: Pilot

NextGen: HN

Katie Colligan has shared her experiences undertaking a NextGen: HNC qualification in Childhood Practice at South Lanarkshire College. She believed this qualification would equip her with the knowledge and understanding she needed to support her future studies in Primary Education with Gaelic. Katie’s experience of the NextGen: HN qualification was positive, and helped prepare her for further study and employment.

Katie said: “I ended up really enjoying the way we learnt in our college class, it was innovative and hands on. Overall, I think the course has generally boosted my knowledge and understanding of caring for young people but also made me feel really comfortable and confident in the work I’m doing and will provide in the future.”

Initially, Katie felt apprehensive applying for the course because it was not available through the medium of Gaelic. However, the centre embraced Katie’s values and, throughout the qualification, encouraged her to speak about aspects relevant to Gaelic education.  This allowed Katie to incorporate her Gaelic heritage and develop specific knowledge relating to Gaelic medium education which she will be able to utilise in employment. Katie also had the opportunity to attend placement in a Gaelic Primary School which was important for her as Gaelic was a big part of her life, identity, and future.

“Katie attended the local Gaelic school for her placement for the full academic year as she had made it very clear that she wanted to go into teaching with Gaelic.  It was imperative that we allowed Katie this opportunity and was pleased when she was accepted to university.” – Jayne Clark, HNC Childhood Practice Course Leader/Tutor

The centre put a particular emphasis on the importance of meta-skills, which allowed Katie and her peers to view their personal progression throughout the year. Meta-skills are transferable behaviours and abilities such as self-management, social intelligence and innovation, that help learners adapt and succeed in life, study and work. Katie commended the integration of meta-skills within the qualification and highlighted how learners supported one another by helping identify meta-skills within themselves and the work they produced.

“Meta-Skills is a huge integrated part of NextGen and we truly believe our learners became more and more confident as the term progressed, identified skills and developmental areas, both for themselves and their peers.  I believe learners are more aware of their meta-skills and work hard to make progress within the developmental areas.” Jayne Clark, HNC Childhood Practice Course Leader/Tutor

We wish Katie all the best in her future.

You can watch Katie’s full review of NextGen: HN Childhood Practice here.


Tha Ceitidh Colligan air innse dhuinn mar a chaidh dhi a’ dèanamh NextGen: Teisteanas HNC ann an Cleachdadh Leanabachd aig Colaiste Lannraig a Deas. Bha i den bheachd gun toireadh an teisteanas seo dhi an t-eòlas agus an tuigse a bha a dhìth oirre gus taic a chumail ri a cuid ionnsachaidh ann am Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig san àm ri teachd. Chòrd NextGen: Teisteanas HNC ri Ceitidhagus chuidich e i ag ullachadh airson tuilleadh ionnsachaidh agus cosnadh.

Thuirt Ceitidh: “Chòrd an dòigh a dh’ionnsaich sinn sa cholaiste gu mòr rium, bha e innleachdach agus practaigeach. Uile gu lèir, saoilidh mi gu bheil an cùrsa air m’ eòlas agus mo thuigse a mheudachadh mu bhith a’ toirt cùram do dhaoine òga ach cuideachd thug e misneachd dhomh san obair a tha mi a’ dèanamh agus a nì mi san àm ri teachd.”

An toiseach, bha Ceitidh a’ faireachdainn iomagaineach mu bhith a’ cur a-steach airson a’ chùrsa leis nach robh e ri fhaighinn tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Ach, ghabh an t-ionad ri luachan Cheitidh agus, tron teisteanas, bhrosnaich iad i a bhith a’ bruidhinn mu nithean a bhuineadh ri foghlam Gàidhlig.  Leig seo le Ceitidh a dualchas Gàidhlig a chur an sàs agus eòlas sònraichte a leasachadh co-cheangailte ri foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig as urrainn dhi cleachdadh nuair a bhios i ag obair. Bha cothrom aig Ceitidh cuideachd greis gnìomhachais a dhèanamh ann am Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig, rud a bha cudromach dhi leis gu robh agus gum bi a’ Ghàidhlig cho cudromach na dearbh-aithne agus na beatha.

“Rinn Ceitidh a greis gnìomhachais fad na bliadhna acadaimigich san sgoil Ghàidhlig ionadail oir bha i air a dhèanamh glè shoilleir gun robh i airson a dhol a-steach airson teagasg sa Ghàidhlig.  Bha e deatamach gun tug sinn an cothrom seo do Cheitidh agus bha i toilichte nuair a fhuair i àite san oilthigh.” – Jayne Clark, Ceannard/Oide Cùrsa HNC Cleachdadh Leanabachd

Chuir an t-ionad cuideam sònraichte air cho cudromach ’s a tha meata-sgilean, a leig le Ceitidh agus a co-oileanaich an adhartas pearsanta fhaicinn tron bhliadhna. Is egiùlain agus comasan so-ghluasadach a th’ ann am meata-sgilean leithid fèin-riaghladh, tuigse shòisealta agus ùr-ghnàthachadh, a chuidicheas luchd-ionnsachaidh gus freagradh agus soirbheachadh nam beatha, ionnsachadh agus obair. Rinn Ceitidh moladh air na meata-sgilean san teisteanas agus chomharraich i mar a thug luchd-ionnsachaidh taic dha chèile ag aithneachadh meata-sgilean annta fhèin agus san obair a rinn iad.

“Tha meata-sgilean nam pàirt mhòr de NextGen agus tha sinn dha-rìribh a’ creidsinn gun do dh’fhàs misneachd ar luchd-ionnsachaidh gu mòr mar a chaidh an teirm air adhart, a’ comharrachadh sgilean agus raointean leasachaidh dhaibh fhèin agus an co-oileanaich.  Saoilidh mi gu bheil luchd-ionnsachaidh nas mothachail air na meata-sgilean aca agus gu bheil iad ag obair gu cruaidh gus adhartas a dhèanamh anns na raointean leasachaidh.” Jayne Clark, Ceannard/Oide Cùrsa HNC Cleachdadh Leanabachd

Tha sinn a’ guidhe gach soirbheachas do Cheitidh san àm ri teachd.

Faodaidh sibh coimhead air làn lèirmheas Ceitidh air NextGen: HN Cleachdadh Leanabachd an seo.

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