Monday 10th May 2021 The National Qualifications 2021 Group* appreciates that you may have concerns regarding the levels of disruption to your child’s learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects this will have on gathering the evidence that their teachers or lecturers need to determine provisional results for National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher. Flexibility in gathering learner evidence Provisional results in 2021 will be based on teachers and lecturers using learners’ evidence of their knowledge, skills and…
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Monday 10th May 2021 The National Qualifications 2021 Group* appreciates that you may have concerns regarding the levels of disruption to your learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects this will have on gathering the evidence that your teachers or lecturers need to determine provisional results for National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher.
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6 May 2021 - sarahmacgregor -
Since their return to school in August last year, a number of young people have experienced periods of self-isolation in order to support public health efforts to suppress the virus and keep everyone safe. These were difficult and challenging times, and many questions were raised about how qualifications could be awarded under these circumstances. However, as Tony McDaid, Executive Director at South Lanarkshire Council writes, the resilience shown by learners, teachers, lecturers, and the wider education community gives him hope…
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4 May 2021 - sarahmacgregor -
We at SQA recognise that it has been a hugely challenging time for everyone undertaking National Qualifications this year. With national exams being cancelled and learning being disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Qualifications 2021 Group*, which includes SQA along with other education organisations, created a different way to award National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher results.
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14 April 2021 - sqablogs -
14 April 2021 As your child returns from their Easter break, the National Qualifications 2021 Group* appreciates that you may have questions and will be looking to your child’s school, college or training provider for guidance and support. Following the cancellation of exams by the Scottish Government, an Alternative Certification Model, the way results will be decided this year, has been created by the National Qualifications 2021 Group* which includes professionals from across the education system, as well as a…
Read moreRead more about Update from the National Qualifications 2021 Group: Alternative Certification Model Stage 2 – parents and carers