SQA committees and teams
SQA works with a wide range of stakeholders when we develop, maintain and revise qualifications. This diagram illustrates the various committees and teams.

The Sector Panel provides strategic advice to the SQA team. This committee consists of representatives of business, industry, education, public sector and third sector. The Qualifications Support Team (QST) considers how best SQA can support its qualifications and help centres to deliver them. It mostly consists of practising teachers, lecturers and trainers. The Lead Person Network (LPN) consists of a college representative (“lead person”) from every college in Scotland. The LPN serves two purposes: a communication channel from SQA to centres and a means of consulting with the colleges. The Quality Network is there to support centres (mostly training centres) that deliver SVQs and CBQs. The External Verification team consists of External Verifiers who visit centres and ensure SQA standards are complied with.
Perhaps the most important group is the Qualifications Development Team (QDT) since it is this team that actually develops qualifications. There are separate QDTs for each development. Scotland is pretty unique about how it goes about developing qualifications. We don’t hand them down from high. SQA’s qualifications are designed and developed by practising teachers and lecturers. Although I convene each QDT, a lead developer actually creates the qualification and other members of the QDT produce units and assessments.
We are always looking for new members for all of these committees and teams so please contact Helen if you are interested in finding out more.
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