Second meeting of QDT for NPA Data Science
The Qualification Development Team (QDT) for the new National Progression Award (NPA) in Data Science met today for our second meeting. The QDT consists of representatives of schools, colleges, training centres, universities, employers and special interest groups (such as Datalab).
The development will create new awards in data science at SCQF Levels 4, 5 and 6 (National 4, National 5 and Higher). The purpose of today’s meeting was to come up with a qualification structure and begin the process of deciding on the contents of the qualification. The Lead Developer played a key role in describing the her research findings and making recommendations about the qualification.

The structure we agreed consists of two units at each level:
- Data Citizenship
- Data Science.
Levels 5 and 6 will have one additional unit selected from a number of options that span computer programming, data analytics and project work. So, it’s going to be a small award consisting of two units at Level 4 and three units at Levels 5 and 6.

This will involve developing a number of new units. For example, the team will produce National Units in Data Science (at SCQF Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6) and units in Data Citizenship (at SCQF Levels 4, 5 and 6).
We’re happy with the structure but we didn’t bottom-out the contents of the units, and we’ll continue to work on that in the coming weeks. This new suite of awards will be available to schools, colleges and training centres from August 2019. Please contact Lorraine if you want to know more about the development.
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[…] are already lots of graduate and post-graduate degrees in Data Science, and we’re in the process of creating an introductory qualification in data science so this, potentially, fills a […]