Re-organisation of the team

Regular readers will know that Emma and Helen returned to the team after Christmas. Emma has responsibility for non-advanced qualifications (NUs, NPAs, NCs) and CBQs, and Helen advanced qualifications (HNUs, HNC, HND, PDA).

We’re going to re-organise things within the team so that each Qualifications Officer (QO) has responsibility for a specific field within computing, rather than levels of qualifications. So, for example, Emma will be the lead officer for all qualifications relating to computer science and computer games; Helen will be the lead for all qualifications relating to cyber security and data science.

This change means that QOs will lead on qualifications across all levels and, in time, will develop improved subject knowledge in their specific fields. The change will take place from March (next week), although projects close to completion will continue to be led by the current QO.

I appreciate that you don’t particularly care who helps you — so long as someone does. This change will not affect the level of service provided to you. Any one of us can be contacted by email or chat. If you’re not sure who to contact, email