Quality Network meeting
There was a Quality Network (QN) meeting yesterday in Glasgow. The Quality Network event is organised by SQA for training providers who deliver SVQs and CBQs. The purpose of this annual event is to update training centres about recent developments and, more importantly, to provide an opportunity for them to share best practice.

We stopped organising QN meetings a few years ago but the increasing interest in CBQs (largely as a result of the growing importance of Modern Apprenticeships) made us decide to restart them last year. Yesterday’s event appeared to vindicate that decision so we will definitely continue to organise and host them in future.
The topics covered included a report on verification by the Senior External Verifier and an update on the Tech Partnership.
Most of the event was taken up with workshops, which provided attendees with an opportunity to discuss a variety of issues relating to the delivery of vocational qualifications.
Please contact Emma if you want to know more about SVQs or CBQs or qualifications within Modern Apprenticeships.
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