Qualifications Support Team

The Qualifications Support Team (QST) for Computing met recently. The QST consists of practising teachers, lecturers and trainers and the main role of the committee is to consider potential changes to qualifications and advise about support materials. The committee meets once per year, normally in Spring (April/May) so that any changes can be implemented in time for the next session (August).

At the most recent meeting, 8 proposals were considered and the majority (6) were approved with two others deferred for more information. For example, one of the proposals was to add of a new unit on Agile software development as an option to a Higher National Qualification (this was accepted).

It’s very simple to request a change to a qualification. Simply complete this short form. We then consider your proposal at the next meeting or, in exceptional cases, make an immediate decision.

SQA relies on practitioners to develop and maintain qualifications so please consider volunteering for the QST. The time commitment is low and it’s a real help to me and my team. Please contact Gayle for more information.