Qualification Support Team meeting
The Qualification Support Team (QST) for Computing met today. The QST is one of a number of external committees that advises SQA. The QST’s specific role is to advise how best to support qualifications. It also considers proposed changes to qualifications that are normally submitted by teachers and lecturers. The committee is made up of practising teachers and lecturers who are best placed to tell us what centres need from SQA.

Today’s meeting was good. We discussed support materials, qualification changes, guidance on Graded Units within HN awards, and possible changes to Maths units within HN awards. Aneta is the Lead Officer for the QST and she will create a list of actions that we will carry out as a result of the meeting.
The QST also discussed the professional development needs of Computing teachers and lecturers. There was a unanimous view that this was a significant problem in centres given the rapid changes that are taking place in the areas of digital skills and computer science. It was agreed that this would be discussed by the Sector Panel at their next meeting with a view to coming up with some recommendations about how this could be addressed.
The QST meets once per year but there are on-going communications (via a private e-group) at other times. We’re always looking for new members so please contact Aneta is you’re interested in contributing to the work of the committee. We don’t pay for attendance but we do pay all travel and subsidence costs. Joining the committee would ensure that you have a say in how SQA helps centres to deliver qualifications.
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