QDT meeting for HN-Next Gen

The Qualification Development Team (QDT), responsible for developing new Computing qualifications as part of SQA’s Next Generation of Higher National Qualifications, met on Wednesday. Sixteen members attended, representing colleges, schools, universities, employers and national organisations. We’re developing two qualifications as part of the first phase of the project:

  1. HNC Computing
  2. HND Data Science.

The purpose of the meeting was to update members on progress and also to consider our approach to grading these new qualifications. The most important piece of feedback was that no-one came forward to pilot the prototype qualifications from August. It was re-assuring to be told that this is due to the current circumstances in colleges rather than a lack of enthusiasm about the qualifications. However, it does mean that these qualifications will not be piloted in August, alongside HNC Engineering and HNC TV & Broadcasting.

I also provided an update on progress with the development of the qualifications. The frameworks are final (and have been for a long time) and all of the component units are complete. In total, 26 new units were produced as part of the development with titles such as  “Agile Project Management”, “Cloud Computing”, “Data Engineering” and “Data Visualisation”. We’re in the process of “validating” these units, which is carried out by me and my team. Complete, draft versions (of all the units) are available now.

QDT had previously agreed the general approach to grading for these new qualifications, and we spent time discussing the details of the grading model. There was broad support for a grading scheme comprising three grades:

  1. Pass.
  2. Merit.
  3. Distinction.

This means that future learners could graduate with, for example, “HND Data Science with Distinction”. Grades would be awarded based on criteria, which would encompass unit grades, project grades and a portfolio grade. Although the suggested grading criteria were liked, suggestions were made about how they could be improved.

Over the next few weeks me and my team will be validating units and tweaking the grading model. The development will be complete by mid-June. Please contact Helen for more information.