Lead Person Network event
The Lead Person Network (LPN) event took place yesterday in the Radisson Hotel in Glasgow. This replaced the annual Heads of Computing event, which had been running for years previously (the one exception being last year).
The event went well. It was the usual mix of updates, keynotes and networking. I was both MC and presenter at the event. My presentation summarised changes to qualifications.
The keynote, from Andy Neagle of Microsoft, was particularly interesting, and the demonstration of virtual reality, by David Renton of West College Scotland, was great fun

David also gave an interesting talk about emerging technologies and how these can be used within SQA qualifications.

Claire Gillespie, from Skills Development Scotland, gave an interesting talk about the Scottish Government’s digital skills strategy.

An important part of the event was to update delegates on curricular changes and we covered a number of recent changes to Computing qualifications, including the recently revised HNC/D Interactive Media (now called HNC/D Digital Design & Web Development), which was explained by Stephen Aitken of City of Glasgow College.

All of the presentation from the day can be found here.
Please contact Helen if you want to know more about the Lead Person Network.
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[…] Computing Conference. We’ve been running an annual conference for around 20 years now. Last year we changed things a little and made it a conference for the lead person in each college but this […]