Diploma in Digital Technology
You might have noticed from the portfolio diagram that a new CBQ is coming, called Diploma in Digital Technology (SCQF Level 8), which will replace two existing qualifications: Diploma in Data Analytics and Diploma in Information Security Professionals.
In fact, the new qualification has three pathways: (1) cyber security; (2) data analytics; and (3) software development. Each of these pathways will be separately certificated. The titles have still to be decided but will make clear the chosen specialism.
The current qualifications (Diploma in Data Analytics and Diploma in Information Security Professionals) will go into lapsing from 30 April, when we will no longer take new entries (but learners will continue to be certificated).
The new diploma is based on work situations, developed by Skills Development Scotland who worked closely with employers to develop the standards. So they’re very relevant and up-to-date, and the resulting qualification will be likewise. We’re busy creating the corresponding units and supporting documentation so that the new qualification can be accredited and available to centres in March.
Please contact Megan if you want to know more about the new qualification.