The framework of the HND Computing: Software Development (GG7E 16) has been amended following a change request submitted by a delivering centre. The change request related to the addition of Machine Learning (J1BB 35) to the framework as an optional unit. Upon consideration by the Qualification Support Team (QST), the change request was approved on 24 January 2025. Consequently, the unit Machine Learning (J1BB 35) has been added to Group 2 of the optional units of the HND Computing: Software…
I made my first visit to CodeClan yesterday. CodeClan has recently became an SQA centre and is offering the new PDA in Software Development to its students. It’s the first centre of this type in the world (there are similar ones in cities across the world) to offer a national qualifications to learners. I was asked along to participate in a press day and also to provide advice about assessment. I was impressed with the facilities and the dedication of…
The subject page for the Professional Development Award in Software Development (SCQF Levels 7, 8 and 9) was made live this morning. You can find out more about this new qualification on that page, such as its structure and how it is assessed. There is also a link to the Group Award Specification. I’m pleased about how this suite of qualifications has turned out. They have a simple structure, they’re short (240 hours), sharply focussed (on coding), and flexible (you can…
I attended a presentation by Simon Hewitt, of Dundee & Angus College, yesterday morning about his college’s new programming initiative. The meeting was held in the Scottish Government offices. Simon explained that the Code Academy has taken over two years to turn from an idea into a reality. He attributed the initial concept to a keynote talk at a Heads of Computing event. The Academy officially launched a few weeks ago. It’s a collective effort by the college, the local…