Appointment of Linux Cascasde Centre

Arriving in College Principal and Heads of Computing inboxes this week is an invitation to consider working with SQA and LINUX  IT . In partnership we hope to
·         Upskill staff in Colleges
·         Build capacity across Scotland to deliver open source qualifications
·         Ensure that appropriate recognition is given for open source qualifications
·         Build a sustainable relationship with the global open source community

Categories: DIVA


I am very glad to hear about this. As a Linux (and BSD systems) user for the past 10 years in commercial and academic environments, (as well as home use), I have always tried whenever possible to integrate UNIX based systems (and philosophy) in to the computing curriculum at Stow College. This opportunity will give us the chance to actually do something worthwhile, and it’s about time!! :-)David McDade, Stow College

Cheers David Thanks for comments.Could not agree more ..and Linux IT Certification looks like accessible route – tried to get this off the ground five years ago but then routes that were available were not stable enough to push out across all Colleges.

I spoke to Joe and Keith at SQA HoDs meeting today. Definitely a way forward.

Ted Hastings

The Open University of Catalunya has offered a Masters Degree in Free Software via Distance Learning for a number of years. The course is taught in English and the majority of the materials are available free online under a Creative Commons licence.They can be found at: where materials are descreibed as web-based there are print versions available as well.

Cheers Ted It would be good if we could figure out central way of managing great links like these.SQA Computing Delicious list would be my preference I am guessing our own OU UK will have resources in this space too through Open Learn

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