NPA Data Science now available
I’m pleased to let you know that the revised version of NPA Data Science is now available to centres. You’ll find the revised subject page here:
My apologies for the delay in making this available. We had hoped that it would have been ready for the start of the session. The component units have been available for some time.
This is the second version of the qualification, which was first introduced in 2019/20. It’s a popular National Progression Award with almost 700 learners undertaking it last session. Data science is a vital subject for Scotland and this qualification is part of the “skills pipeline”.
The structure of the qualification has not changed. This version simply updates the contents of the units (specifically Data Science, Data Citizenship and Machine Learning units). We hope you like the revised versions. We tried to streamline the contents and reduce the assessment requirements. New topics, such as generative AI, are now included.
Support materials are currently being produced. The assessments for both mandatory units (Data Science and Data Citizenship), at all levels, will be available on SOLAR by August. Assessments for Machine Learning (an optional unit within the framework) will also be produced.
For one session only (session 2025/26) you can mix and match “old” and “new” units and still gain the group award (or just stick with the old [current] units). This will allow you, if you wish, to transition to the new award over the next 17 months. However, from August 2026 you must do the revised versions of the units.
If you’re already approved for this qualification, you will be automatically approved for the revised award. However, if you’re not, you must seek approval to deliver the qualification.
Please contact Helen if you need any assistance.