Changes to NPA Data Science
I recently posted about our intention to revise NPA Data Science. The QDT has now agreed the changes. There will be no change to the qualification structures (at any of the levels) but the following units will be revised:
- Data Science (all levels)
- Data Citizenship (all levels)
- Machine Learning (Levels 5 and 6).
We’re aiming to make these units simpler, clearer, less busy and with less assessment.
Because we will be making changes to some of the mandatory contents (such as the Evidence Requirements) this will mean that the revised qualification will be recoded. We hope to complete this work by the end of this year so that the revised qualification will be available from January 2024. Please note that both qualifications (old and new) will be available for a period of time.
Please contact Megan if you want to know more about this development.