External Verifier meeting

The team of External Verifiers (EVs) met on Saturday in the SQA offices in Glasgow. The EVs meet once per year for a “standardisation” meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that the verifiers apply the same standards to centres when they carry out verification visits. It was a good meeting and we covered a lot of ground.

Saturday External Verifiers meeting around board meeting table at SQA

The team consists of 10 EVs, led by the Senior External Verifier. The EVs are selected from colleges, universities, schools and training centres. I’m currently short of school and university representation so please let Helen know if you are interested in serving in either of these roles. Working as an EV is great CPD for educationalists since it gives you a unique insight into standards across Scotland (and internationally) and will help you meet those standards in your own centre.

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The EVs meet once per year for a “standardisation” meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that the verifiers apply the same standards to centres when they carry out verification visits. It was a good meeting and we covered a lot of ground.

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