Withdrawing Qualifications

Every year our team have an Uptake Analysis Review of our qualifications. The reason for this review is to see which of the qualifications in our portfolio fall within the criteria for withdrawal. This criteria is.

  1.  Qualifications that have had no uptake or no valid open entries processed over the last two consecutive years.
  2. Qualifications that have had 100 or less entries over 5 years.

As a result of this review, the following qualifications have been withdrawn. I have included the finish dates of these qualifications in bold.

  • NC Computer Games Development SCQF Level 5: GP0L 45 (31/07/2025)
  • NC Mobile Technology SCQF Level 5: GG0J 45 (31/07/2024)
  • PDA Website Design SCQF Level 7: GT21 47 (31/07/2024)

If you have any questions regarding this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at  computing@sqa.org.uk