OneFile E-portfolio meeting (SVQs in Business and Administration)
Tony and I attended a meeting of OneFile users at College Development Network on Thursday, 21st March. SQA External Verifier, Margaret Gibson also attended and provided an update on her experiences of E-portfolios.
John Docherty, manager of OneFile gave a presentation outlining features of the package, identifying the benefits and how it can be used in Scotland. Representatives from City of Glasgow and Forth Valley Colleges presented examples of using it within their centres and both spoke very highly of the product. Margaret spoke about use of e-portfolios in a more general context and what External Verifiers (EV) are looking for in centres.
The meeting provided a useful forum for discussion link and sharing and is likely to continue with bi-annual meetings. We made some useful contacts who agreed to participate in the forth coming SVQ Business and Administration Network events which will be held in May. Confirmation and booking links will be available soon.
For more information please contact myself (Caitlin).

1 Comment
At this meeting it was discussed to introduce a one file user group.
Was thus ever taken forward, and if so, how do we go about joining the group