SVQ Business and Admin Network Events
This year’s SVQ Business and Admin Network Events took place on Wednesday, 22nd May at the Radission Blu hotel in Edinburgh and Thursday, 30th May at Celtic Park.
The events were both well attended with 37 delegates at the Edinburgh event and 60 for Glasgow. We may have to consider having a large event next year. Thank you to those who attended and supported the event.
Tony gave an SQA update stating that SCQF 5 (level 2) is the highest SQA SVQ by uptake. Tony also mentioned all four SVQs in Business and Admin are due to lapse on 31/05/2020. There will either be new Frameworks to replace the existing ones from 01/06/2020 or the current Frameworks will be extended.
John Docherty, Customer Success Manager from OneFile gave a presentation on the functionalities of the software and how it could be implemented for SVQs. James Davidson, E-Portfolio Project Lead from Forth Valley College gave an online live demonstration on how the software works well for his college.
For the afternoon we had two workshops. Delegates got split into two groups and we had a discussion on what types of evidence they would expect to collect for each of the Performance Indicators (PI) such as; products of work, observation etc. For any PI that was difficult to get evidence for delegates were to put a star beside the PI. SQA will take the feedback on board.
If you have any questions regarding the event please contact Caitlin.

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