HN Administration & IT Network Event
The HN Administration & IT Network event was held on Thursday, 12th March at Stirling Court Hotel. Thanks to those who attended and supported a successful event. A special thanks to Vickie Craig from Dundee and Angus College Fiona Balloch from City of Glasgow College for sharing their interactive and engaging presentations with our sector.
Fiona’s presentation on developing digital assessment focused on using several free-to-use software packages that can be used to build portfolios, using video to interact between teacher and learner and between learners for peer-to-peer feedback. Such as Flipgid, Google Forms, Glide Apps, Voki and Zoom. We received a lot of positive feedback with centres hoping to try at least one new digital tool with the learners.
Vickie gave an in-depth presentation on the functions and the benefits of using Microsoft teams. Again, there are so many ways teams can benefits those working in centres and also their learners. Both presentations got us thinking how our subject can be assessed digitally and ways to give students digital feedforward effectively
All presentation links for the HN Administration & IT event can be found here . Please contact myself (Caitlin) if you require further info about HN Business.

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