Unit development for the revised NC Administration is now underway. If anyone is interested in unit reviewing any of the new/revised units please get in touch. (jillian.hendry@sqa.org.uk) A copy of the revised framework is attached for information. The framework details the units that are currently being developed/revised. Revised Framework 13.12.19 Many thanks Jillian
The review of Unit Specifications and Assessment Support Packs in respect of IFRS 16 Leases is now complete and the updated versions are now available online
Thank you to everyone who has already responded to our short survey. It is not too late to be involved. We would appreciate feedback and comments from teachers and lecturers delivering the group awards, Higher Education Centres and Employers in the accounting sector. You can send us your views by completing the survey below. The closing date is 17/02/20. Delivering Centres Survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2LTEKxW0bE-LuCwphdcXH7v7U07o3UNMt8RED6r2enNUOVg4MzQ3RjYwSk0xNk82WEU1WUcyMk1EUS4u Higher Education Survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2LTEKxW0bE-LuCwphdcXH7v7U07o3UNMt8RED6r2enNUMUw0QVVBUkJZTVhQWVcxSFo0UFVLNlk5SS4u Employer Survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2LTEKxW0bE-LuCwphdcXH7v7U07o3UNMt8RED6r2enNUMVZYTktGMFMzQVdYTjFKUE1ZU1lBWUM1NC4u