New HN Units – writers and vetters required
I’m pleased to let you know we have been given the green light to develop two HN units. We are recruiting for writers and vetters for HN Units provisionally titled ‘Digital Technologies in Business‘ and ‘Business Organisations and Decision-making’.
The unit purpose for Business Organisations and Decision-making is to provide a holistic understanding of business organisational structures and leadership. The purpose for Digital Technologies in Business is to equip learners with knowledge and skills on the influence of technology (including emerging technologies) in terms of the functional business areas of operations, production, marketing/sales and finance. The focus of the unit is the application of technology rather than technology itself.
If you are interested in writing or vetting any of these units please add your name to the register of interest.
Please see register of interest link below:!AniFP6GeAlhFb8JxYXyDqygN3fI
Please contact Caitlin if want to know more information or wish to participate in in the Design Team.

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