
NextGen: HN Social Sciences – UHI articulation agreement

Grant Anderson, New Product Development Manager, reflects on his role in the development of the NextGen: HNC and HND Social Sciences qualification.

June 5, 2024 - SQA - Categories: Uncategorized

NextGen: HN

I have played a supporting role in the development of the NextGen: HNC and HND Social Sciences qualifications. However, I would like to extend my gratitude to my Social Sciences colleagues, including; Carol Hunter (Qualification Manager), Carolyn Laird (Subject Implementation Manager), Fiona MacKinnon (Qualifications Officer), and our incredible Qualification Design Team (QDT). 

The QDT’s include college staff, employers, learners, Higher Education Institution representatives (HEIs), and staff from our pilot centres, West College Scotland and Dumfries and Galloway College. This collective group has used their unique subject expertise to create two new qualification frameworks that incorporate our NextGen: HN design principles. The NextGen: HNC and HND qualifications incorporate meta-skills and learning for sustainability, linking to the subject and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Both qualifications implemented a new grading approach instead of using one graded unit to assess the whole award. Finally, the inclusion of project-based assessment and a significant reduction in assessment increased the opportunities for learning and teaching. Supporting this development and seeing these great new elements progress was a fantastic experience. The QDT’s enthusiasm for NextGen: HN and the new qualification meant we progressed in a very positive manner, although I had a question in the back of my mind. 

When could I be confident that the developments were a real success? 

Consultation activities with stakeholders and evaluation sessions with practitioners and learners would help gauge the answer to this question.   

Consultation and evaluation 

There was extensive consultation during the development of NextGen: HNC and HND Social Sciences. Surveys were carried out with learners, employers and delivering centres, which gave feedback on the proposed development framework and design principles. There were face-to-face consultations with HEIs and subject associations to ensure their voices were heard and considered during the development. HEI’s were particularly important to consider as most social science learners articulate to university. This substantial consultation activity helped shape the qualifications before pilots began. 

We carried out evaluation activity during the pilot delivery, which gave us opportunities to refine and adjust the qualifications as pilot delivery progressed. Learner engagement with face-to-face feedback sessions, alongside surveys allowed us to capture valuable feedback and make refinements during the pilot process. We had to be certain that the new qualifications were giving learners the skills and knowledge they needed to succeed in life and work, and provide progression to the next stage in their journey. 

The consultation and engagement activity gave me confidence that we were achieving what we had intended when we first set out on this NextGen: HN journey. The final step in confidently answering the question, would be an articulation approach from the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI).  

UHI – the articulation agreement 

We were approached by UHI with an incredible opportunity to develop an articulation agreement giving learners who have passed a 15 credit (120 SCQF credit point) HNC in Social Sciences direct entry onto year 2 of UHI’s BSc (Hons) Psychology degree programme. Completion of Psychology A: The Shaping of Modern Psychology (J6ET 47), Psychology B: Applied Psychology (J6EV 47) and Social Sciences: An Evidence-Based Approach to Social Problems (J6EM 47) are required for direct entry to year 2 from our NextGen: HN qualification. 

Norman Wilson, Programme Leader BSc Psychology at UHI said: 

 “I have spoken to several groups involved in the pilot of the NextGen: HNC and HND Social Sciences and have been impressed by both students’ and lecturers’ enthusiasm. There’s a real buzz about colleges and the people involved in the NextGen: HN qualifications. It is very clear that students are embracing meta-skills and understand their relevance to employers and as articulation routes within HE. We are thrilled that students can articulate from the NextGen HNC into the second year of the BSc Psychology degree at UHI.” 

On Wednesday 23 April, UHI and SQA released an article about signing the articulation agreement. At that moment, I believe that we have achieved success on this NextGen: HN journey and that question in the back of my mind was answered.  

You can learn more about how we have expanded our partnership with UHI and extended our articulation agreement on our website 

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