
Skills Development Scotland Results Helpline

As final preparations are being made by Skills Development Scotland for this year’s Result Helpline, careers adviser, Erin Bartley, highlights the dedicated support available for learners, parents and carers.

2 August 2023 - SQA - Categories: Advanced Higher, Awarding 2023 Programme, Higher, National 5

National Qualifications

We know that Results Day is a huge deal for so many of Scotland’s young people, which is why my fellow advisers and I take our work on the Results Helpline so seriously.

There will be more than 30 expert volunteers like me on hand to take your calls from 8am on Tuesday, 8 August, and we will be available for four full days to help you with any query you might have, no matter how big or small.

We will provide each and every person who calls with bespoke information, advice and support tailored to meet your individual needs.

We’re here to help you go through all the options and next steps. Whether it’s apprenticeships, jobs, course vacancies at UK colleges and universities, UCAS Confirmation and Clearing, volunteering, training options or even staying on at school, we will help you decide what the best course of action is for you.

Just remember, there is no wrong path to get to where you want to be, and wherever it is you want to be, we will help you get there.

This year’s Results Helpline on 0808 100 8000 will be open:

  • Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 August – 8am to 8pm
  • Thursday 10 and Friday 11 August – 9am to 5pm

And don’t worry if you don’t get a chance to call during these four days. SDS is here to help you all year round through our local career centres, the My World of Work website, and through our in-school careers advisers. The number to call when the Results Helpline closes is 0800 917 8000.

Good luck to everyone getting their results this year, and remember, even if they aren’t as you hoped or expected, there will be options open to you….and you can even call us if your results are better than expected, because you might then need advice about new and unexpected routes that weren’t open to you previously.

Either way, no matter the reason for your call – whether its good news or bad – we will be there for you.

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