
Marking for SQA – a teacher’s perspective

SQA is recruiting teachers and subject specialists to join the marking team for the 2023 national qualifications examination diet.

Teacher Hilary Andrew, who has marked for Business Management, shared her insights.

30 January 2023 - SQA - Categories: Awarding 2022 Programme, Teachers

National Qualifications

Our markers perform a role which is vital to the success of the diet, that of ensuring that candidates’ answers to the exams they sit are marked to a national standard, and within a specified timeframe.

In this blogpost, teacher Hilary Andrew, who has marked for Business Management, shares her insights – on the initial application process, through to marking her first scripts, and the benefits of getting involved.

Why did you apply to become an SQA marker?

I was prompted to apply by colleagues, who told me that marking had been one of their most useful CPD experiences. They were able to convert the knowledge and advice they received through marking into improvements in their teaching.

What were your perceptions of the role of an SQA marker?

I knew markers attended meetings to discuss marking instructions and then marked a selection of scripts. However, I wasn’t aware of the level of support provided throughout the marking process.

Can you describe the process to becoming a marker for SQA?

The application process was very straightforward. If I had any questions, I contacted a member of the marking team, who always responded quickly. The initial training day was really useful, and a great networking opportunity. As well as novice markers like myself, my team comprised of very experienced markers, which meant there was always someone to turn to for advice!

How did you feel when you received your first exam scripts to mark?

The marking was daunting at first, but my team leader was a great support and was always on hand to answer questions. After the first few scripts I was in the swing of it!

How has becoming a marker for SQA benefited you?

Marking for SQA has been hugely beneficial. I now approach marking classroom assessments with greater confidence. It has also helped me when working with colleagues on the preparation and moderation of assessments.

What advice would you offer to colleagues who are considering applying to become an SQA marker?

My advice would be to give it a go! I would particularly recommend it for recently qualified teachers, as it gives you a great insight into what markers are looking for in exam answers.

Markers play an important role in the delivery of National Courses. SQA has opportunities across all subjects and levels, and full training will be provided. Becoming a marker for the SQA is one of the best place you can For further information, and to apply, you can visit our website, or contact us with queries at

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