
SQA’s Gaelic provision – qualifications for all

In our latest blog (available below in English and Gaelic), our Gaelic Qualifications Coordinator, Anna Mhoireach, shares how SQA is helping to secure a sustainable future for Gaelic in a multilingual Scotland through qualifications and beyond.

15 October 2024 - SQA - Categories: General

Features and developments

We’re thrilled to be in Oban for this year’s Royal National Mòd, cheering on participants of all ages as they showcase the best of Gaelic language and culture.

SQA has had the privilege of supporting this event – the world’s biggest Gaelic festival – for many years, and we regard it as a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of the language.

The way we are able to do this all-year round is through our wide range of Gaelic qualifications.

Gaelic qualifications for everyone

Whether you’re new to the language, or a fluent speaker looking to have your skills formally recognised, we offer a Gaelic qualification at the right Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) level for you.

Introduce yourself to the language with our Gaelic (Learners) qualifications, which will not only develop your language skills, but will also see you learn about Gaelic history and culture.

Meanwhile, our Gàidhlig qualifications enable fluent speakers to build on their literacy skills, including through the study of a wide range of texts.

Gaelic medium qualifications

Another way we ensure fluent speakers can maintain their exposure to the language is through our Gaelic medium qualifications.

These allow secondary school pupils to undertake a number of National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams in Gaelic.

In an exciting new development, Scottish Vocational Qualifications and Foundation Apprenticeships in Social Services and Creative Media can now also be studied in Gaelic.

Modern Languages for Life and Work Award

One of my personal favourites is our Modern Languages for Life and Work Awards, which are also being undertaken in schools.

However, the flexible nature of this qualification means it’s a great option for anyone with an interest in Gaelic language and culture.

You can also quickly put your new skills to use, as you’ll learn the language in the context of everyday life, culture and employment.

The employment element is contained within a Modern Languages for Work Purposes Unit, which can be undertaken individually – perfect if you need to quickly get to grips with some key phrases!

National Units

The flexibility of our Gaelic qualifications extends to our individual National Units, which allow you to select from Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.

These Units are a favourite of Royal National Mòd participants, who have used them when preparing for the competition.

They also form part of our National Certificates and National Progression Awards, allowing you to progress your Gaelic studies, should you be inspired to do so.

Find out more

You can find details of all our Gaelic qualifications, as well as our Gaelic Language Plan 2022-2025, by visiting

Everyone at SQA would like to wish competitors in this year’s Royal National Mòd ‘deagh fhortan/good luck’!


Tha sinn air ar dòigh gu mòr a bhith anns an Òban airson Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna-sa, a’ brosnachadh compàirtich de gach aois agus iad a’ taisbeanadh na Gàidhlig agus na h-ealain chultarach.

Tha SQA moiteil a bhith a’ toirt taic don tachartas seo – fèis Ghàidhlig as motha san t-saoghal – airson iomadh bliadhna, agus tha sinn ga fhaicinn mar chothrom air leth airson inbhe na Gàidhlig a thogail.

Tha sinn a’ coileanadh seo tron bhliadhna le ar raon farsaing de theisteanasan Gàidhlig.

Teisteanasan Gàidhlig airson a h-uile duine

Ged a bhitheadh tu ùr don chànan air no fileanta agus airson do sgilean a bhith aithnichte gu foirmeil, tha sinn a’ tabhann teisteanas Gàidhlig aig an ìre cheart den Frèam Teisteanasan is Creideasan na h-Alba (SCQF) dhut.

Tòisich air do thuras leis na teisteanasan Gàidhlig (Luchd Ionnsachaidh) againn, far an tog thu sgilean cànain agus ionnsaichidh tu mu eachdraidh is cultar na Gàidhlig.

Aig a cheart àm, tha na teisteanasan Gàidhlig againn airson luchd fileanta, a’ toirt leudachadh air sgilean litearrachd tro sgrùdadh air raon farsaing de theacsaichean.

Teisteanasan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig

Dòigh eile a th’againn airson dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil luchd fileanta a’ faighinn cothroman cumail ris a Ghàidhlig, ‘s e bhith brosnachadh theisteanasan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gum faod sgoilearan àrd-sgoile grunn dheuchainnean aig ìre Nàiseanta 5, Àrd-ìre agus Àrd-ìre Adhartach a dhèanamh sa Ghàidhlig.

Ann an leasachadh inntinneach ùr, faodar Teisteanasan Dreuchdail na h-Alba agus Preantasachdan Tòiseachaidh ann an Seirbheisean Sòisealta agus nam Meadhanan Cruthachail a-nis a dhèanamh sa Ghàidhlig cuideachd.

Duais Cànanan Ùra airson Beatha is Obair

Is e aon de na cùrsaichean as fheàrr leam fhèin na Duaisean Cànanan Ùra airson Beatha is Obair, a tha cuideachd ri fhaotainn ann an sgoiltean.

Le sùbailteachd an teisteanais seo, tha e cuideachd na dheagh roghainn airson duine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann an Gàidhlig agus cultar na Gàidhlig.

Bidh cothrom agad na sgilean ùra agad a chleachdadh gu luath oir bidh thu ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain ann an co-theacsa beatha làitheil, cultar agus cosnadh.

Tha an eileamaid cosnaidh a tha taobh a-staigh aonad Modern Languages for Work Purposes, a ghabhas dèanamh fa leth – air leth freagarrach ma dh’fheumas tu greimeachadh gu sgiobalta air abairtean iomchaidh!

Aonaidean Nàiseanta

Tha sùbailteachd ar teisteanasan Gàidhlig a’ sìneadh gu na h-Aonadean Nàiseanta fa leth againn, a tha a’ leigeil leat taghadh bho Èisteachd, Leughadh, Labhairt agus Sgrìobhadh.

Tha na h-Aonaidean seo a’ còrdadh ri com-pàirtichean a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail, agus bidh iad gan cleachdadh airson ullachadh airson na farpais.

Tha iad cuideachd nam pàirt de na Teisteanasan Nàiseanta agus Duaisean Adhartais Nàiseanta againn, a’ toirt cothrom dhut leantainn air adhart le do sgrùdaidhean Gàidhlig.

Tuilleadh Fiosrachaidh

Gheibh thu fiosrachadh mun a h-uile teisteanas Gàidhlig againn a bharrachd air ar Plana Gàidhlig 2022-2025 air làrach-lìn

Tha a h-uile duine aig SQA a’ guidhe deagh fhortan don luchd-farpais uile, aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna seo – gur math a thèid leibh!