Qualifications Support Team

The Qualifications Support Team (QST) for Computing met yesterday afternoon for it’s annual face-to-face (Microsoft Teams) meeting. The role of the QST, as the name suggests, is to support Computing qualifications. Members are drawn from colleges, schools and training centres.

The QST also monitors uptake of the qualifications so I spent the first part of the meeting explaining trends over the last 10 years. There has been a significant increase in uptake of the vocational Computing portfolio since 2012 (around 50% increase) but that has stalled since the pandemic, and there was a decline last year. However, members indicated that demand was rising again (at least in the college sector).

The QST is also responsible to maintaining qualifications and considers requests for changes that we receive over the year. There were four requests to consider yesterday. If you’re waiting on a decision, Amy will get back to you in the near future.

We’re looking for more representatives from the school and training centre sectors so please contact Megan if you’re interested in serving on the committee. It’s not paid but the time commitment is small and you would be helping computer education in Scotland.

Please contact Megan if you want to know more about the work of the committee or volunteer to serve on it.