Old and new PC Passport

We’ve had a lot of enquiries about the new PC Passport. One of the most common questions is: can I still run the current award next year? The current award goes into lapsing in January next year (2017) and we will continue to accept entries for the “old” award until then. So if you have plans to offer the current version of PC Passport next year (session 2016/17) then there will be no problems — so long as you get your entries in before next January. Please use the correct Group Award codes since these distinguish the old from the new.

We made this decision because the timing is not ideal for centres. We hoped to have the new version available earlier than it was, to give centres more time to change over, but, given that it was only recently validated, we thought it best to let you decide when to change over.

If you’re unsure, I hope that you choose to go with the new award. I think that it’s better – and much more up-to-date. It has a simpler structure, dedicated Units for each application (word processing, spreadsheets and presentations) and is linked to a vendor (Microsoft).

Please contact Aneta if you want help or advice about the new or old PC Passport.

Categories: NPA, PCP

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